Tru' Alchemi Media

Is Life A Maze Or A Puzzle?

Written by Coach Mike D.A. | Aug 27, 2024 5:34:31 PM

I recently went through a phase of being hard on myself for what I thought I did wrong in my career and life.

I told myself that I should've used the past seven years to consistently build my organization with no breaks instead of accepting roles within other companies or starting new ventures.

Right now, I would have hundreds more videos, pictures, and case data to strengthen my current offerings if I had done that. Did I make a mistake?

I beat myself up for appearing to walk aimlessly through a maze of opportunities. However, I realized that those experiences were pieces to a puzzle that allowed me to see and appreciate a bigger picture of my purpose.

For some of us, your destination isn't at the end of a maze, it's identifying the key piece of a grand puzzle for your life. Once you're able to see the image developing in the puzzle, the sharper you become at fitting the remaining parts together.

What are your thoughts on this concept?